21 août 2020
SILVER DEUX DE VIRTON*HDC (ISO 170/18) is a son of KASHMIR VAN’T SCHUTTERSHOF, sire of many international winners: RÊVEUR DE HURTEBISE*HDC (2016 Olympic Team Champion with Kevin Staut), H&M ALL IN (Individual Olympic Vice-Champion at Rio in 2016 and Individual European Champion in 2017 with Peder Fredricson), GAZELLE (3rd best world performer in 2016 with Kent Farrington).
SILVER DEUX DE VIRTON*HDC has been ranked in all the CSI5* in which he competed in 2017. He is notably 2nd of the GP of the CSI 5*-W of Oslo 3rd of the GP of the CSI 5 * -W of Zurich, 5th of GP of the CSI 5 * -W of London, winner of a 1.60m event of the CSI 5 * -GCT of Doha, 2nd of the GP of the CSIO 5 * of Barcelona.